Database Update: Pharmaceutical Drug Production in Russia (November 2018)
Between January and November 2018, Russia produced 305.1 bln RUB worth of pharmaceutical drugs (dispatch prices, VAT included), which is in monetary terms 1.1% higher than that of the same period of 2017. In physical terms, the dynamics are -5.6%, with 3.85 bln units.
The dynamics for the period in physical terms are negative for both OTC and Rx production, -5.4% and 5.9%, respectively. In November, the dynamics for OTC drug production were -4.3%, while those for Rx drug production were +1.7%. If calculated in minimum dosage units (MDU), the dynamics are +0.4%.
Among the top 10 EphMRA second level groups with the biggest production volumes in physical terms, systemic antibiotics still have the lowest dynamics (-26%.) That is the result of the epidemiological situation as the ARVI and flu frequency has dropped by 2.6% and 25% since January, respectively. Out of the top pharmaceuticals, only the production of Kagocel by Nearmedic Plus has shown positive dynamics. The productions of painkillers and anti-cold and flu pharmaceutical drugs have also decreased, -19% and 10%, respectively. Among the top pharmaceuticals, the production of nose medicines has the best dynamics, +15%. Armavirskaya Biofabrika has increased its production, in particular of Naphtyzin (by 94 times.)
As for Rx pharmaceutical drugs, the productions of solutions for intravenous injections and systemic antibiotics have the lowest dynamics, -27% and 23%, respectively. The production of beta-adrenoblockers has the highest dynamics, +61%. Besides Merck Group, which has localized the production of its Concor at the facilities of Russian Nanolek, here we have Izvarino Pharma and Avexima, both of which actively produce Bisoprolol.
Dynamics of pharmaceutical drug production in Russia, including production of pharmaceuticals of foreign companies on owned or contract plants, in physical (units) and monetary terms (RUB, VAT included) (January 2017 – November 2018)