Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Russian pharmaceuticals retail chain segment evaluation, both on the level of the state and in particular regions. Pharmacy chains development forecast


Product sales and separate market development forecast, based on unique mathematical models

Business and marketing plan development

Development of detailed business-plans, required to evaluate the reasonability of project start

Search of partners for contract production in Russia

Potential partners search and evaluation, based on their technical opportunities, appropriate experience, and reputation

Monitoring of import substitution

assessment of the main trends of import substitution policies and localization processes in the pharmaceutical market in Russia, the key beneficiaries and companies at risk

Survey by RNC Pharma and Medvestnik: 66% of Russian Health Workers Already Vaccinated against COVID-19

Monday, July 26, 2021

Out of 1,119 health workers (doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, etc.) who took part in the survey conducted by the RNC Pharma analyst company and the platform for doctors Medvestnik, 66% have already been vaccinated from COVID-19 (Fig. 1). Another 12% have not yet had time to get vaccinated, but are willing to do it in the near future.

Only 11% of the respondents do not want to get vaccinated at all. Another 11% have not yet had the vaccine, but are ready to do it later. At the same time, the main reason for delaying vaccination is the high level of antibodies after a previous infection, named by at least 36% of the study participants (Fig. 2).

The second most popular reason (25%) is insufficient research on the vaccines. That is due to a clear lack of information about the vaccines, including their use, as well as a possible distrust of the Russian regulatory system.

Around 10% of the specialists have medical reasons that prevent them from getting the vaccine, and another 10% are waiting for the CoviVac vaccine developed by the Chumakov Center. This popular demand for CoviVac should probably be studied in detail, especially since it has spread far beyond the professional community. In addition, the specialists are not even embarrassed by the fact that this vaccine has been studied to a much lesser extent than Gam-COVID-Vac by the Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. Apparently, the “classical” approach to the development of the vaccine plays a significant role here, as well as the limited quantity. Another 8% of the study participants delay their vaccine due to pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Fig. 1. Do you plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19? (single-answer question)

Fig. 2. Why are you delaying vaccination against COVID-19 (for those who answered “Not yet, but I think I will get the vaccine later”; base = 119)? (multiple-answer question)