Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Pharmacy chains activity analysis

Russian pharmaceuticals retail chain segment evaluation, both on the level of the state and in particular regions. Pharmacy chains development forecast


Product sales and separate market development forecast, based on unique mathematical models

Business and marketing plan development

Development of detailed business-plans, required to evaluate the reasonability of project start

Search of partners for contract production in Russia

Potential partners search and evaluation, based on their technical opportunities, appropriate experience, and reputation

Monitoring of import substitution

assessment of the main trends of import substitution policies and localization processes in the pharmaceutical market in Russia, the key beneficiaries and companies at risk

Study RNC Pharma and Medvestnik: 63% of Russian Doctors Back Initiative to Allow Early Retirement in Private Hospitals, 35% Against

Monday, March 18, 2024

49.2% of Russian physicians fully support the initiative to allow doctors working in private medical institutions early retirement, according to a survey conducted by the RNC Pharma analyst company and the Medvestnik platform for doctors. They say that medical personnel work in harmful and dangerous conditions regardless of the form of ownership. Another 13.9% believe that only certain specialties should be eligible for the benefit, in particular, radiologists, infectious disease doctors and other dangerous specialists. Those who chose to give their own answer often expressed the same opinion, in particular, a study participant spoke about hemodialysis centers, which also face staffing issues, high workload, and dangerous working conditions.

Yet, 34.5% opposed the initiative. 17.4% of them say that employees of public hospitals should have “most benefits, otherwise no one will agree to work there.” Another 9.9% of the respondents believe that working conditions in public healthcare are more difficult and the workload is higher, which should grant them more benefits. Finally, 7.2% say that there is no point in differentiation, since many physicians tend to work in both public and private healthcare institutions at the same time, already qualifying for the benefits. Interestingly, mainly specialists working in public hospitals opposed the initiative.

Fig. Do you support the initiative to enshrine in law the right of doctors working in private hospitals to early retirement? (single-answer option)