Survey by RNC Pharma and Doktor Na Rabote (Doctor at Work): Only 11% of Russian Doctors Agree with the Official Statistics Showing Decreased Rates of COVID-19 Incidence
44% of Russian doctors believe that the COVID-19 situation is stable, but at the same time note that the morbidity rates have not significantly reduced, according to a survey by the RNC Pharma analyst company and the Doktor Na Rabote (Doctor at Work) social media service for doctors. This opinion is shared by 60% of the respondents residing in Moscow and St. Petersburg and by only 37% of those residing in the other regions. However, no one expects complete unanimity, because the epidemiological situation obviously differs from region to region.
Another 17% of the doctors say that the number of patients having the clinical picture of COVID-19 has increased over the past month. 22% of the respondents can even confirm that the statistics are being distorted. They describe the mechanisms of such distortions as follows: “Diagnoses are massively substituted. Instead of coronavirus, we have to write community-acquired pneumonia” or “We diagnose COVID only if the test is positive, but the clinical picture and CT scans are not taken into account.” Most distortions take place outside Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The total number of doctors reporting an increase in the disease (39%) is almost 4 times higher than the number of those who agree with the official statistics and is comparable to the number of those who consider the situation stable.
Do you agree with the official statistics that show decreased rates of COVID-19 incidence in Russia? (single-answer question)