Database Update: API Import to Russia (December 2018)
In 2018, Russia imported 96.5 bln RUB worth of APIs (free circulation prices, VAT included), which is in monetary terms 30.6% higher than that in 2017. However, the dynamics are that high mostly due to higher import prices. In physical terms, the dynamics are -3% (11,900 tons.)
In November and December 2018, the dynamics were high both in monetary and physical terms. In November, the dynamics in physical terms were +20%, while those in December were +15%.
In 2018, Russia imported APIs from 41 countries. While the number is the same as in 2017, there are 4 new countries on the list. These are Singapore (Linezolidum and Enoxaparinum Sodium), Norway (Actoveginum), Hong Kong (Saquinavirum Mesylate), and Saudi Arabia (Daclatasvirum.) The producer list has also changed, from 554 to 582. Among the newcomers, Shionogi (Japan) and Fresenius have the highest import volume. In November 2018, Shionogi started to import Dolutegravirum Sodium. As for Fresenius, it imported Ketogranulate from Portugal and Lactulosum from Italy.
Among the top 20 producers with the highest import volume of pharmacopoeial APIs, Novo-Nordisk has increased its import by 167 times. In 2018, it imported 4 APIs, in particular Insulinum Detemirum and Insulinum Aspartum. Merck Group has also reached the top 20, in 2017 it imported 3 APIs.
Among the top technical API producers, Erin Life Sciences (India) has the highest dynamics in monetary terms (a 16 times increase.) Atazanavirum, Lopinavirum, and Ritonavirum, which are imported by Pharmasyntez, contributed to the dynamics the most.
Dynamics of pharmacopoeial and technical API import to Russia, customs clearance prices (2015 – 2018)